



2005年8月吉日 雅房 龍愁麗

In August of 2005, I traveled to Beijing to officially present Masayuki Miyata's masterpiece, Fuji Matsukaze to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. 800 years ago, the Jin Dynasty Emperor Zhangzong liked to fish in one of the ponds on the premises, hence the name Diaoyutai or Fishing Terrace. This site of the Six-Party Talks, is a 420,000 square meter estate dotted with villas and beautiful gardens. On a wall inside the special Executive Reception Room, a room reserved for the Premier and visiting Heads of State, now hangs this sole masterpiece. I accompanied the kiri-e and personally hung it in Miyata's stead before returning to Japan. Having risen to the surface of the mind s of people everywhere due to the Six-Party Talks, the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse has been a repository for masterpieces of China's most exalted artists and there had never been a foreign artist's work included in its collection. Miyata's kiri-e being chosen as the first non-Chinese artwork to be accepted in the permanent collection has become another small step in the sharing of culture and building of bridges between China and Japan in the spirit of friendship. In memory and celebration of my husband who passed away 15 years ago, I truly believe this to be a most fitting memorial. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued encouragement, which has been a great pillar of support throughout the years.

宮田雅之芸術記念庁・上海のご案内 1999年、中華人民共和国建国50周年を記念して、新装開館した上海図書館内に「刀勢画・宮田雅之芸術記念庁」が開設されました。「嵐中遣唐船図」「楊貴妃像」「龍図」など中国をテーマにした作品と、「日本の民話」「富嶽図」「万葉恋歌」などの代表作などとともに作者自身の装丁による画集・書籍、愛用の刀など、故人を偲ぶ品々が展示されております。上海にお出かけの折は是非お立ち寄りくださいませ。

電話:021-64455004 (予約担当:沈 麗雲:日本語可)


As part of the ceremonies celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of China, the Shanghai Library hosted the dedication ceremony for the Miyata Masayuki Art Memorial Hall, which houses a permanent collection of his works, books, and personal effects relating to his artwork. Anyone interested in visiting the Miyata Masayuki Art Memorial Hall should make an appointment with the Shanghai Library at: 021-6445-5004. http://www.library.sh.cn/Web/www/shtsg/b2/index.html

